Dr. Sezen Kayhan

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


  • Production Studies
  • Cinematic Spaces
  • Urban Media
  • Turkish Cinema and Television Series
  • Speculative Fiction


Sezen Kayhan ist seit April 2022 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Film-, Theater-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Im November 2020 erhielt sie ihren gemeinsamen Doktortitel in Filmwissenschaft und visueller Kultur von der Universität Antwerpen und der Koç-Universität. Ihre Dissertation „Screen Production and Exhibition in Istanbul Under Urban Transformation“ untersucht die Beziehung zwischen neuen Bildschirmproduktionen und Ausstellungsräumen und urbaner Transformation. Von 2021 bis 2022 war sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Koç-Universität.


European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA)
Film Independent
Women in Film



SoSe 2024


Kayhan, S., und Kayhan Müldür, S. (2024, Februar 14). Ortadoğu Sinemasında Ekolojik Krizin Yansıması Eko-Distopyalar (Reflection of Ecological Crisis in Middle Eastern Cinema: Eco-Dystopias). Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2023). Televizyondan Dijital Yayın Platformlarına Türkiye’de Dizi Yapım Dinamiklerinin Değişimi (Changing Dynamics of Series Production in Turkey from Television to Digital Broadcasting Platforms). In Dijital Medya Çalışmaları (Digital Media Studies) (S. 97-120). Özgür Yayınları. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan, S. (2023). TV drama production studios of Istanbul: From empty sound stages to standing sets. Critical Studies in Television. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2023). The Delight of Turkish Dizi: Memory, Genre and Politics of Television in Turkey. Television and New Media. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S., und Kesirli Unur, A. (2022). Cinematic Spaces of Istanbul Through the Foreign Lens: Hollywood Studio Era, Spy Films and Touristic Experience. Kültür ve İletişim, 25 (2)(50), 475-496. DOI
Kayhan Muldur, S. (2022). Europe Knows Nothing About the Orient: a critical discourse from the East (1872-1932). Cultural Studies, 36(6), 1036-1038. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2022). Film Müziği Üzerine. In Özgür Köy (Hrsg.), Yönetmenler ve Besteciler İçin Film Müziği (S. 163-166). Gazi Üniversitesi Yayınları. Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan, S. (2022). Imitation of Life: Cross-Cultural Reception and Remakes in Turkish Cinema. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 42(4), 847-849. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan, S. (2022). Women with purple violets documentary and the liberating effects of female football fandom. Soccer and Society. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2021). Les coproductions internationales: une analyse de la collaboration entre Meetings on The Bridge et l’Institut français. In Des ciné-goûters aux séances pour les cinéphiles Les cinémas des Instituts français et des Alliances françaises (S. 293-305). Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2021). Open-Air Cinemas of Istanbul From the 1950s to Today. Space and Culture, 24(1), 128-143. DOI
Kayhan Muldur, S. (2021). The building as screen: A history, theory and practice of massive media. Visual Studies. Published. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2020). Screen Production and Exhibition in Istanbul under Urban Transformation [PhD Thesis]. Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2020). Elene. In Y. Basaran und S. S. Karatas (Hrsg.), Kısa Filmin Öyküsü 2 (S. 32-42). Es Yayınları.
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2020). Postmodern Kentleşme ve Yaratıcı Ekonomi: İstanbul’da Medya Endüstrileri. İdealkent, 11, 1023-1049. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Muldur, S. K. (2020). The proliferation of alternative film exhibition spaces in Istanbul: cultural segregation and urban cinephilia. Visual Studies, 35(2-3), 232-244. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2019). Yeşilçam ve Kentsel Dönüşüm: Küçük Hanımefendi Filmlerindeki Modern İstanbul Temsili. In Türk film araştırmalarında yeni yönelimler 15 (S. 79-93).
Kayhan, S. (2018). Istanbul Open City: Exhibiting Anxieties of Urban Modernity. Journal of Visual Culture, 17(2), 253-256. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Rappas, I. A. C., und Kayhan, S. (2018). TV Series Production and the Urban Restructuring of Istanbul. Television and New Media, 19(1), 3-23. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan, S. (2017). Bilge Yeşil. Media in New Turkey: The Origins of an Authoritarian Neoliberal State. New Perspectives on Turkey, 57, 161-165. DOI
Kayhan, S. (2017). Fongogo: A Case Study on the Usability of the Local Crowdfunding and Fundraising Websites in Turkey. Humanitas - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(9). DOI
Kayhan, S. (2016). Arkeoloji Işığında Özgün Bir Sinema Deneyimi: Idrimi, Unutulmuş Krallığı Aramak. Sekans Film Magazine, 03, 169-173. Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan, S. (2014). Fragments of Tragedy in Postmodern Film. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Author/Publisher URL
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2014). Düşlerin Şairi: Alain Tanner. Altyazı, 50-51.
Kayhan Müldür, S. (2014). İnfazın Tanıdık Öyküsü. Altyazı, 95-96.